For all submissions—
Send your submission as one single Word document or PDF, especially if your work is formally or spatially-reliant.
Include your name either in the document name or as a header.
We ask that you wait until you hear back from us to submit again, which includes sending a second submission in another form/genre.
Please send work no more than twice a year. Multiple submissions beyond two per year (from the date of your first submission) will not be read or receive a response.
We aim to have a three month response time—though as Annulet is a small operation, this is often aspirational in practice. Know that if you have not heard from us, your submission is still under consideration.
Please indicate if your work is simultaneously submitted in your cover letter. If part of your submission is accepted elsewhere, please write and withdraw your piece(s) promptly as using the message function within your submission. Do not send a separate notification email—let’s keep it all in one place.
While not essential, you may include a brief bio note with your submission.
If you are sending work with a form that’s indented as “justified,” please take note that we might not be able to replicate it exactly, or that we might need to reproduce the text as an image for the site.
We eagerly read translations into English of works originally composed in other languages in any of our genres. Submissions should follow the guidelines as specified in the category descriptions below. Translators are asked to ensure that publication rights and author permissions have been secured before sending their work for our review.
For all reviews and essay submissions which include quotations from the text considered, or other texts, please include in-text page number citations (7), endnotes to each text from which material or a quotation is drawn [1], which correspond to both a Notes and Works Cited listing each source text after your essay’s conclusion. Please do not send scholarly papers that haven’t yet been revised for a literary-critical journal reading audience.
At this time, Annulet regrets that we cannot offer payment for the work we publish. As the project grows, this is something we hope to amend in the future.
If you have any questions after you have reviewed your genre-specific guidelines, you can write to Please do not send any submissions to that address.
We sincerely recommend that you research this or any other journal to which you are submitting such that you can address the editor by name in your cover letter, and that you read at least three to five different examples of writing published in your respective genre. If asked by a friend, you'd ideally be able to describe a journal's interests, range, or vibe, before sending your work for consideration.
Please submit up to seven poems at a time. Length is as you please.
Send your submission as one single Word document or PDF, the latter especially if your work is formally or spatially-reliant.
Include your name either in the document name or as a header.
Please indicate if your work is simultaneously submitted in your cover letter. If part of your submission is accepted elsewhere, please write and withdraw your piece(s) promptly.
Additionally, please only send one submission per genre at a time.
If you are sending work with a form that’s indented as “justified,” please take note that we might not be able to replicate it exactly (the spatial dimensions differ between most word processing programs and website formatting capacities, in case you were wondering!), or that we might need to reproduce the text as an image for the site.
We eagerly read translations into English of works originally composed in other languages in any of our genres. Submissions should follow the guidelines as specified in each respective category. Translators are asked to ensure that publication rights and author permissions have been secured before sending their work for our review.
Basic information:
Send your submission as one single Word document or PDF, the latter especially if your work is formally or spatially-reliant.
Include your name either in the document name or as a header.
Please indicate if your work is simultaneously submitted in your cover letter. If your submission or part of it is accepted elsewhere, please write and withdraw your piece(s) promptly.
Additionally, please one send one submission per genre at a time.
There is no word count minimum. The maximum word count should be within respectful reason. No full-length novels or novellas, please.
If you are submitting multiple prose pieces, please send no more than three per submission. If your prose pieces are each less than a page or two, you can submit up to five per submission.
Further notes:
If you are sending work with a form that’s indented as “justified,” please take note that we might not be able to replicate it exactly (the spatial dimensions differ between most word processing programs and website formatting capacities, in case you were wondering!), or that we might need to reproduce the text as an image for the site.
We eagerly read translations into English of works originally composed in other languages in any of our genres. Submissions should follow the guidelines as specified in each respective category. Translators are asked to ensure that publication rights and author permissions have been secured before sending their work for our review.
We don’t distinguish between short prose and flash fiction: please keep this in mind should you consider the term a critical designation for your work. If it is important to you that your writing be published as flash specifically, it more likely belongs in an outlet that names it as such.
In your cover letter, please designate whether you consider your piece to be fiction, nonfiction, prose, or something else. Genre fiction would best be sent elsewhere.
An annulet, as we define the form, is a short-form close reading of one poem or one prose passage that is scholarly in approach and convivial in delivery.
Poems or prose passages considered may come from any point in the literary record.
You may closely read translations as long as your annulet also considers the text in its original language.
Please include a copy, in full, of the text (and its bibliographic information) you are close reading along with your submission. You may send a scan, screenshot, or other files, as long as they are legible.
Your annulet should be no longer than 1500 words, no shorter than 850 words.
Our interest is much less piqued by canonical poems, or ultra-famous prose passages, unless you’re here to say something tangy about it. Pieces or selections considered must be published in print or online.
Selections from conference papers, talks, and lectures are welcome as long as they are not elsewhere in print.
When considering what might be a good fit, go for things that might be too weird for peer review.
Please include necessary bibliographic information [1], and please use Chicago style. Endnotes are preferable [2].
Comparative essays consider more than one literary thing in relation with the other, clearly framed and defined.
These essays may be longer, but no more than 5000 words.
Selections from conference papers, talks, and lectures are welcome as long as they are not elsewhere in print.
When considering what might be a good fit, go for things that might be too weird for peer review.
Please include necessary bibliographic information [1], and please use Chicago style. Endnotes are preferable [2].
We consider paeans to be essays that can blend memoir, reading or writing experiences, experiences of place or circumstance, or other reflections that discuss what it’s like to be writing or reading in the world.
Include citations and works cited, if utilized.
Please send up to 5000 words.
We are interested in rigorous reviews that assess a book for its contexts and methods, its merits or lacunae, and that describe usefully, whether glancingly or in detail, the book’s place in its historical context. Further, we look for reviews that establish a book’s appeal or importance, or, the reason(s) why one should or should not read it. We are not interested in publicity pieces that praise without depth of engagement. We do consider reviews of chapbooks, though only pieces that examine multiple chapbooks by the same author, or of chapbooks that are 40+ pages. Please include bibliographic information before the text of your review begins, and include page numbers after each quotation or excerpt in the text (47, like this). No more than 5000 words; minimum of 1500 words—enough space for consideration in detail. Bibliographic information should follow this format:
Author Name. Title of Book. Publisher’s City: Publisher Name, Year Published. [Total page count of book, ex.], 78 pages.